= labour a relay for the united workers of the world total events:: 126 max events:: 500 absolute min pow: 4 cheapest event timework:: 6706.019267 min pow threshold now:: 4 latest events work: [21 18 18 29 16 18 16 21 18 23 18 21] ''' events come, they must have at least _some_ work, namely *4* (every 4 _work bits_ are equivalent to one zero in the event id). then we check if we have room for them, we can only store up to *500*. if we have room, then fine, we take the event and store it. if we don't have room, then we will score the incoming event against our currently stored events. we do that score based on "timework", which is given by the _work bits_ plus the event timestamp divided by 259200 (3 days). this is such that old events can be replaceable by newer events over time, even if they have much more work. and so on and so forth. ''' source code: https://git.fiatjaf.com/labour